Pumpkin Pouch Success Story

Pumpkin Pouch Success Story

At Grandma Lucy’s, all of our recipes are created using solution-based feeding.  What that means is, every ingredient we use in our food and treats are there to serve a true purpose.  We love to hear success stories about our furry friends and I would love to share this amazing one about Fable and our new Pumpkin Pouch – Bladder product with you.  When I was working on designing our Pumpkin Pouches, I was really inspired by the natural benefits of many of the raw ingredients we use in many of our foods.  By combining all of the ingredients with a similar support focus, we are excited to be able to help pets like Fable…


 “Dear Grandma Lucy’s, 
I recently went into Pet People in Centerville, Ohio to buy my dog some food and Pumpkin Pouch for bladder support.  The worker asked if I’ve been using it and why.  So I told her the story of my dog.
About a month and a half ago, we noticed that my dog was urinating often but would only actually release a few drops.  We thought this odd but kept watching to see if it would improve. She then started peeing blood so we took her to the pet ER. There they gave us meds to treat a UTI because what we found out she has later, sometimes causes UTI and infections. The meds made her better for a time but then it came back. We took her to our vet and they did x-rays and found that she had several large bladder stones. Two options were to use a certain food or have surgery.  After weighing all the options with the vet, we decided to go with the surgery. The surgery was scheduled for a month later. Because Fable was very uncomfortable I insisted that she stay on antibiotics during that time. We took her to Pet People that night to get food to mix with her medicine and a worker there suggested we try your Pumpkin Pouch Bladder support. We started mixing it with her food, sort of as a food topper. Tuesday, this week was her surgery, or so we thought. They did x-rays again and they had shrunk drastically. They didn’t do the surgery and decided to give her the special food and I promptly went back to Pet People and bought more Pumpkin Pouch Bladder support.
My dog means the absolute world to me and I will be so happy when she is healthy again. I’m glad there are products out there like yours that help remedy dog illnesses.
I’ve attached some pictures of her so you can see just how happy of a dog she really is. Thank you so much for creating and striving to help dogs and cats live healthy, happy lives. I always say, Fable is going to live forever because of all the love she has. 

Thank you!”

Fable’s response to our Pumpkin Pouches is why we do what we do here at Grandma Lucy’s.  Eric and I really saw the benefits of whole foods long ago with Lucy’s health issues and we are so grateful to be able to help other furry families find the solution that is right for them so they can eat their way to health like Fable!


Please share with us about your furry kids!  It can be a success story or an ailment you would like our recommendations on.  We are always here to help and look forward to hearing from you!


P.S.  Thank you to Mr. Paddington for sending us Fable’s special story.  We absolutely love you!