Looking Back on 2021 with Little Angels
Grandma Lucy’s is a proud supporter of Little Angels Service Dogs, a 501c3 nonprofit, and the incredible work they do. Little Angels’ service dogs are trained to provide assistance to individuals with mobility issues, epilepsy, hearing impairment, diabetes, Autism, and those needing psychiatric support. Investing countless hours and resources into preparing these special dogs, Little Angels allows recipients to regain control over their lives with the newfound freedom these dogs provide. Each dog is perfectly matched with their recipient, and at graduation each dog is ready for any situation that may arise, and their most important job-caring for their human.
Since Grandma Lucy’s beginning in 1999, it has always been our goal to help every pet live their healthiest life. Grandma Lucy’s is honored to continue the legacy of Lucy, the dog who started it all, as we give back to these incredible service dogs who do so much for their people. Grandma Lucy’s has been able to donate over 54,000 meals to Little Angels and provides food to all of their 100 dogs in training. The Grandma Lucy’s team is thankful to have the privilege to support Little Angels’ work, and hope that with this help they will be able to change even more lives in 2022.
During Grandma Lucy’s last visit with Little Angels Service Dogs, we spoke with Josh Drew, Executive Director, to share accomplishments over the last year and goals for 2022 and beyond. Looking back on 2021 together, the Grandma Lucy’s team is honored to help Little Angels touch lives and are grateful for the support to do so. Josh and the rest of Little Angels’ members faced challenges throughout the pandemic, but have not let these hurdles discourage them or dim the passion they have for helping others.
Q: How many service dogs was Little Angels able to match and place with recipients in 2021 compared to the previous year?
A: “Because of the pandemic, last year we only placed nine dogs with clients when we were originally projecting around 25. So that was obviously a huge bummer! This year [2021] we still had a lot of restrictions, but managed to get 16 dogs placed with clients, which was a huge success for us! This is just slightly [less] than 2019 [with] 19 dogs placed. So, we are back to our goal of 25 dogs in a year for 2022! Fingers crossed!”
Q: How has partnering with Grandma Lucy's positively affected Little Angels and the amazing work your organization does?
A: “Partnering with Grandma Lucy's has changed so much for Little Angels! From the smallest details of not having to worry about ordering food, to the largest part of how much it financially helps us as a nonprofit! We have to be so careful with how we spend our money, especially while still navigating the pandemic. By having all [our] food and training treats supplied for us on a monthly basis, Grandma Lucy's generosity saves us well over $100,000 a year in expenses. This is all money that gets invested straight back in our dogs, their training, and the staff that is working [with] them 365 days a year. We are so thankful for this opportunity, and it has allowed us to grow not only in adding more dogs to our training program, but also in adding more trainers to help get the dogs finished up [with training]! It has been an incredible year of growth for us!”
Q: Have you noticed a difference in any of your dog's health since feeding Grandma Lucy’s?
A: “We have definitely noticed a huge difference in the energy level of the pups! They are always ready to go. You can tell the food is just so much more natural to them and feels better in their tummies. Their [bowel movements] look healthier, and the way they anticipate dinner is unlike anything I've ever seen! Our dogs have always had this internal time clock that tells them when dinner time is, … but I've never just seen dogs refuse to do anything else! They just look at us as if to say ‘nope, I'll continue [training] after you've fed me.’ It's hysterical and the best natural testimony you could ever get!”
Q: What are you most looking forward to next year as we continue our partnership, and what are your thoughts on switching your service dogs over to 3 Bears?
A: “We are very much looking forward to, and super thankful for, our continued relationship and partnership [with Grandma Lucy’s] running into 2022. It was still a crazy year working through the pandemic, but now that we are more settled, I'm really looking forward to getting our creative juices flowing together! I think we have just started to tap into all of the cool dog content we are capable of developing together, and I'm looking forward to seeing what comes from that this year! Knowing our dogs are getting such a high quality of food is amazing, and I think our dogs would go on strike if we stopped training with the [Organic Oven-Baked Treats] and Singles! We are super excited to transition our dogs onto 3 Bears. We also love the idea behind the food and what it stands for. We are all about pushing independence for children in all facets, and an initiative to increase the literacy and reading ability in children is a mission we are ready to jump behind with all four paws! We couldn't be happier to continue this amazing partnership, and thank Grandma Lucy’s, [and founders] Breann [and] Eric, for all of their dedication and support towards our cause!”
Grandma Lucy’s is grateful to be able to work with organizations like Little Angels Service Dogs, who are dedicated to making the world a better place for dogs and their people. Looking back on all the goals accomplished together and wonderful experiences we have share with Little Angels, we know the best is truly yet to come. Thank you to Little Angels and Josh for all that you do, and we are ready to jump into everything 2022 has in store with all four paws!